Monday, April 12, 2021

Superintendent's Letter - Monday, April 12, 2021


April 12, 2021 

Praying everyone is staying healthy and well!!!

More influential points taken from the book Future Driven: Will Your Students Thrive In an Unpredictable World? by David Geurin.


Digital Matters - “Every educator should be a digital leader. It’s that important for the future. If we don’t have the right thinking about technology, our kids will suffer.”

Embrace Change – “Let’s crush the status quo. Be a champion for change. You are needed as a change maker.”

Making Learning Meaningful - “Make learning personally meaningful and students will find their passions and become self-determined, lifelong learners.”

Pushing Forward - “Break free of mediocrity and aim for excellence. Your work matters. Let’s keep our focus on what matters most.”

On a personal level, we need to own the mistakes we’ve made and not claim to have all the answers. Examples of our own missteps and examples of those who failed to adapt can inspire others to be more open to change.   

“Schools should be less like time capsules and more like a time machine”.

Our words are so powerful. We can build or we can tear down, but our words will have an effect. Focusing on how things are said and the change that you can implement can be far reaching. It is a realistic viewpoint on how we are all strapped for time. However, it is clear that time for excuses are over and we have to do what is best for our students. Schools are not changing. Many classrooms look exactly like they did 30 years ago. Maybe the chalkboard is updated, but everything else is the same.

Our world has changed so much in 30 years and our classrooms should reflect this change. We can’t say everything we did in education in a decade was perfect, so why not adapt and change? We can no longer be the “one trick pony” anymore. It is important that we adapt with the times, if what we are doing is not working. There is more to being college ready. Students need to be life, career and college ready. FUTURE READY!

“Treat your students like they are world changers now”.

“Our goal should be for kids to be more excited about learning tomorrow than they are today”.

Let’s start implementing change today.

We welcome you to visit one of the finest school districts in the state of Texas and thank you in advance for taking time to find out more about our schools, our professional staff, our exemplary students, and our excellent academic programs. Burton Schools are a perfect place to get an education that will prepare your child for a bright future. 

There is a tremendous amount of community support that goes into the success of our programs in Burton ISD. We appreciate everyone who helps make a positive impact on our schools. All of us working cooperatively make Burton ISD better together. Proud to be a BURTON PANTHER! 

Please check out our website at, BTX Breaking News, Burton ISD News and Elementary Facebook sites, and Twitter to find out more details about all of the activities happening in the BURTON SCHOOLS. Come show your spirit!!!



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